Liquid Reserves of Pakistan – 14.78 Billion

In 2024, Pakistan’s liquid reserves are a linchpin for its economic stability, primarily comprising foreign exchange, gold, and Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) from the IMF. Managed by the State Bank of Pakistan, these reserves are essential for handling external debt, stabilizing the rupee, and boosting investor confidence. However, maintaining sufficient reserves has been challenging due to persistent trade deficits, significant debt repayments, and variable remittance flows. To address these issues, Pakistan frequently negotiates with international financial institutions to enhance its reserve levels and safeguard economic stability.

Liquid Foreign Exchange Reserves of Pakistan – 14.78 Billion

Week-End LevelsAugust 23, 2024
Net Reserves with SBP9,403.4 Million
Net Reserves with Banks5,372.9 Million
Total Liquid FX Reserves14,776.3 Million

Last Updated: August 23, 2024