Stay ahead of Mardan’s changing weather with accurate, real-time updates on rain, temperature, and more.
Current Weather in Mardan
Temperature | Condition | Humidity | |
23.4°C | Sunny | 23% |
Today's Astronomy in Mardan
Sunrise | Sunset | Moonrise | Moonset |
06:32 AM | 05:18 PM | 07:13 AM | 05:32 PM |
3-Day Forecast for Mardan
Date | Max Temp (°C) | Min Temp (°C) | Condition |
02-11-2024 | 30.7°C | 17.1°C | Sunny |
03-11-2024 | 30.6°C | 17.4°C | Sunny |
04-11-2024 | 30.9°C | 17.2°C | Sunny |
Mardan in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, sees its weather shaped by monsoon rains and western disturbances. Our forecasts offer clear, up-to-date details on precipitation and weather shifts, so you can stay well-prepared. For the most current weather information in Mardan, stay connected with our updates.
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