Urdu Names with Meaning

Discover the most popular Urdu baby names, each with its own meaningful background. This extensive collection helps you choose the perfect name, complete with details on origin, lucky number, and religious significance.

Al TayyibBoyMuslimNickname of Abdullah
Ala Al DinBoyMuslimExcellence of faith
Ala Ud DinBoyMuslimGlory of religion
AlaaldinBoyMuslimNobility of faith
AlabbasBoyMuslimDescription of a lion
Alam araGirlMuslimThe World Improving
Alam EfrozeGirlMuslimThe World Illuminating
AlamaraGirlMuslimAdorning the world
AlamulhudaBoyMuslimBanner of guidance
AlamzebBoyMuslimWorld Beauty,
AlauddinBoyMuslimGlory of religion (Islam)
AlbaraBoyMuslimWholesome with innocence
Aleem Ul HudaBoyMuslimBanner of guidance,
AleemuddinBoyMuslimA learned person in religion,
AleenaGirlMuslimFair, Beautiful, Soft, Delicate
AleezaGirlMuslimJoyful, Cheerful, Happy, Lighthearted
AleshaGirlMuslimProtected by God, Noble kind; of the noble sort, Secure
Algha'iaGirlMuslimFortress Hena
AlhadiBoyMuslimThe Guide
AlhafeezBoyMuslimDefender, To Protect
AlhakamBoyMuslimThe arbitrator, the judge
AlhanBoyMuslimEloquence, good voice,
AlharithBoyMuslimThe plowman
AlhasanBoyMuslimThe handsome, the good
AlhazarBoyMuslimSos, help,
AlhusainBoyMuslimDiminutive Of The Handsome, The Good
AlhusaynBoyMuslimDiminutive of the handsome, the good
AliahGirlMuslimExaulted, noble, highest social standing
AlifBoyMuslimTo Love
AlihBoyMuslimIdol, god
AlinaGirlMuslimBright, Fair, Good-Looking, soft, pliable, delicate
AlishbaGirlMuslimPretty ,Caring Sweet, Innocent
AlishbahGirlMuslimPretty ,Caring Sweet, Innocent
AliyyBoyMuslimThe highest, greatest, excellent, noble
AliyyaGirlMuslimHighest social standing
AlizayGirlMuslimBeauty of Light, radiant, glowing, joy
AljaGirlMuslimTo Trust
AllamaBoyMuslimVery learned
AlmahdiBoyMuslimGuided to the right path
AlmanBoyMuslimKind, willing and wiseman
AlmashGirlMuslimGentle Nature
AlnisaGirlMuslimPart of women's names

A standout feature is the categorization of names by religion, making it easier to find one that resonates with your beliefs. Explore the top names and their meanings, ensuring your choice is both thoughtful and significant.