Urdu Names with Meaning

Discover the most popular Urdu baby names, each with its own meaningful background. This extensive collection helps you choose the perfect name, complete with details on origin, lucky number, and religious significance.

afiBoyMuslimPure nature
AfiaGirlMuslimAway from all Problems
Afif Ud DinBoyMuslimVirtuous of the religion
AfirBoyMuslimRapidly That Works
AfizahGirlMuslimA person who knows the recital of the quran
AfkarBoyMuslimDestitue, poor,
AflahBoyMuslimGaining success-but the Prop
AfnanGirlMuslimGrowth, Progress, Full Spreading Branches Of Trees, Growth, Fruitfulness
AfreshamGirlMuslimSoft as silk,
AfsaGirlMuslimProphet Mohammeds PBUH wife
AfsaruddinBoyMuslimCrown of the religion (Islam), Adorning the religion (Islam)
AfsheenGirlMuslimShine Like A Star
Afsu'nGirlMuslimTo Magic
AftabuddinBoyMuslimSun of the religion (Islam)
AftarBoyMuslimBreakfast the east,
AfuwwBoyMuslimThe Pardoner, He who pardons
AfzunGirlMuslimArise Up
Agha MeenaGirlMuslimMain Bengal
AghaBoyMuslimAnother Name For God
AgharidGirlMuslimPl, of Ughrudah, twittering
AgharrBoyMuslimHandsome, beautiful, distinguished illustrious, noble, Magnanimous Name of a companion of the Prophet, bin al-Muzan
AghlabBoyMuslimSuperior, supreme,
AghsanGirlMuslimPl, of Ghusn, branch, twig,
AhdafGirlMuslimPl, of hadaf, aim, goal
AhdiaGirlMuslimUnique, The One
AhlalaGirlMuslimNew Moon
AhmadiGirlMuslimGold coin
AhmadullahBoyMuslimI praise Allah,
AhmareenGirlMuslimThe Red Color
AhnafBoyMuslimThe straight path, worshiper of Allah
AhrazBoyMuslimProtection, piety,
AhsabBoyMuslimNobler, more respected
AhsanullahBoyMuslimFavor of God,
AhshamBoyMuslimDignified existence
AhwasBoyMuslimHaving narrow, contracted or squinting eye
AhyanBoyMuslimEras, ages, times,
AidahGirlMuslimGuest, the one whos returning
AidanGirlMuslimLittle and Fiery
AidhBoyMuslimName of a reciter of the Holy Quran
AifaGirlMuslimLikes solitude
AigharGirlMuslimShe was a religious, righteous woman

A standout feature is the categorization of names by religion, making it easier to find one that resonates with your beliefs. Explore the top names and their meanings, ensuring your choice is both thoughtful and significant.