Urdu Names with Meaning

Discover the most popular Urdu baby names, each with its own meaningful background. This extensive collection helps you choose the perfect name, complete with details on origin, lucky number, and religious significance.

AtaratGirlMuslimFlying high
AtaubaqBoyMuslimHandsome, beautiful, helpful, generous and got a lot of love to share
AtaullahBoyMuslimGift of Allah,
Ataur RahmanBoyMuslimGift of the mercifulah,
AtbalGirlMuslimBeautiful Girl Whose Neck Become Fat
AteeqahGirlMuslimOld Ancient
AthazazBoyMuslimUnknown, Mystery, Maze
AtheerBoyMuslimThe light reflected from a sword's blade, or a person of high status and good qualities
AthilahGirlMuslimDeep-rooted, firmly established
AthirGirlMuslimFavored, preferred
AthmahGirlMuslimA narrator of Hadith
AtirBoyMuslimFragrant, aromatic,
AtmosGirlMuslimBeautiful girl
AtraGirlMuslimPure Drills Ticker
AtrahGirlMuslimCurly Religion
AttaboakBoyMuslimTeacher, Defender, Guide
AurangzebBoyMuslimHe Was Wearing A Royal Throne
AwadaGirlMuslimA perfume
AwaizBoyMuslimDecorated, decked,
AwanahBoyMuslimMiddle-aged, fierce,
AwarishGirlMuslimRules, character
AwelijamaBoyMuslimMan of somali
AwwabBoyMuslimReturning (to Allah)
Ayaan AliBoyMuslim
AyaanBoyMuslimGift Of God, Reward, Generosity
AyaatGirlMuslimVerses, Messages, Signs
AyahGirlMuslimSign And Proof Of Allah's Greatness, Verse From The Quran
Ayan AhmedBoyMuslim
Ayan AliBoyMuslim
AyanBoyMuslimGift Of God, Reward, Blessing
AymenGirlMuslimSacred, Brave, Old name of Arabia
AynuddinBoyMuslimSource of the faith (Islam)
AynulhayatBoyMuslimSpring (fountain) of life
Aynun NaimBoyMuslimFountain of blessing,
AyraGirlMuslimVision-filling, eye-weakening, Respectable
AyserBoyMuslimEasy in dealing, wealthy
AyyanBoyMuslimGift Of God
AyyashBoyMuslimBread seller
Az ZahraGirlMuslimExcellent and smart
AzaamBoyMuslimHigh GRADE
AzaanBoyMuslimCall To Prayer, Power, Strength
AzahGirlMuslimLoved one, good, successful,

A standout feature is the categorization of names by religion, making it easier to find one that resonates with your beliefs. Explore the top names and their meanings, ensuring your choice is both thoughtful and significant.