Popular Muslim Boy Names with Meaning

When choosing a name for your son, it’s essential to find one that reflects your Islamic faith and cultural heritage. Muslim boy names carry deep meanings, often rooted in Arabic, Persian, or other Islamic traditions, and selecting the right name is a way to connect your child to this rich legacy. Popular names like Azlaan, Huzaifa, Zain, Saad, and Hamza are not just trendy—they each carry significance that aligns with Islamic values.

A'azzBoyMuslimMightier, Stronger, Dearer, More Beloved
A'waanBoyMuslimHelper, Assistant
A'zamBoyMuslimGreatest, Biggest
AaaqilBoyMuslimOne who is wise and intelligent
AabaadBoyMuslimSlave, Worshiper Of Allah
AabbazBoyMuslimSwimmer, Floating In Water
AabedBoyMuslimObedient, Worshiper, Respectful
AabesBoyMuslimLion, Brave, Fierce-Faced
Aabid AhmedBoyMuslim
Aabid AliBoyMuslim
Aabid HussainBoyMuslim
AabidBoyMuslimWorshiper, One Who Worship Allah, God Knows
AabideenBoyMuslimWorshipers, Followers
AabidoonBoyMuslimWorshipper of God
AabidullahBoyMuslimAllah, Variant of
AabinusBoyMuslimEbony, Dark Black Color
AabrahamBoyMuslimMultitude or Many
AadaBoyMuslimBind, Fasten
AadamBoyMuslimVariant Of Adam, The Biblical Adam Is The English Language Equivalent,
AadarBoyMuslimReverence, Commencement
AadeelBoyMuslimModerate, Virtuous
AadeezBoyMuslimDearest, Treasured
AadenBoyMuslimFire, Flame
AadheenBoyMuslimObedient, Submissive
AadhilBoyMuslimHonourable Judge; One who Judges
Aadil AhmedBoyMuslim
Aadil AliBoyMuslim
Aadil HussainBoyMuslim
AadilBoyMuslimFairness, Justice
AadinBoyMuslimFirst; At the Very Beginning;
AadroopBoyMuslimEmbodiment of the Beginning-less
AaessBoyMuslimLion, Brave, Fierce-Faced
AaezeBoyMuslimPoor, Needy, Indigent,
AafandiBoyMuslimElder, respected, good
AafaqBoyMuslimCollection of horizons, world
Aafeen AhmedBoyMuslim
Aafeen AliBoyMuslim
Aafeen HussainBoyMuslim
AafeenBoyMuslimThose Who Forgive, To Forgive Mistake
AafiBoyMuslimThose Who Forgive, To Forgive
AafienBoyMuslimCourageous, Brave, Fearless
AafilBoyMuslimHonest, Prince

Whether you prefer a name that is traditional or modern, each option offers a meaningful way to instill a sense of identity and faith in your child. By choosing a name with profound meaning, you ensure that your child will carry a piece of their heritage and the values you hold dear throughout their life.