99 Names of Allah (Al Asma Ul Husna)

The first pillar of imaan (faith) in Islam is the belief in Allah. This fundamental belief shapes our understanding of who Allah is through His beautiful names and attributes, as revealed in the Holy Quran. By learning and memorizing these names, we gain insight into the nature of our Creator, which deepens our worship and relationship with Him.

No. Name Transliteration Meaning Explanation
1 الرّحمٰنُ Ar-Rahmaan The Beneficent He who desires goodness and mercy for all His creations.
2 الرَّحِيمُ Ar-Raheem The Merciful He who demonstrates boundless kindness.
3 الْمَلِكُ Al-Malik The Eternal Lord The Sovereign Lord, the One with absolute Dominion, whose rule is free from any imperfection.
4 الْقُدُّوسُ Al-Quddus The Most Sacred The One who is free from any imperfection, and untainted by having children or adversaries.
5 السَّلاَمُ As-Salam The Embodiment of Peace The One who is without any imperfection.
6 الْمُؤْمِنُ Al-Mu’min The Infuser of Faith The One who testifies that there is no God but Him, and bears witness to the truthfulness of His believers in their belief that there is no God but Him.
7 الْمُهَيْمِنُ Al-Muhaymin The Preserver of Safety The One who observes the words and actions of His creations.
8 الْعَزِيزُ Al-Aziz The Mighty One The Strong One, the Unconquerable Defeater
9 الْجَبَّارُ Al-Jabbar The Omnipotent One The One whose will alone governs everything that occurs in His Dominion.
10 الْمُتَكَبِّرُ Al-Mutakabbir The Dominant One The One who is free from the attributes of His creations and any resemblance to them.
11 الْخَالِقُ Al-Khaaliq The Creator The One who brings everything from nothingness into existence.
12 الْبَارِئُ Al-Baari The Evolver The Maker, the Creator, who has the power to transform all things.
13 الْمُصَوِّرُ Al-Musawwir The Flawless Shaper The One who shapes His creations into various forms.
14 الْغَفَّارُ Al-Ghaffaar The Great Forgiver The Forgiver, the One who continually pardons the sins of His servants.
15 الْقَهَّارُ Al-Qahhaar The All-Prevailing One The Dominant, the One with absolute power, who is never powerless over anything.
16 الْوَهَّابُ Al-Wahhab The Supreme Bestower The One who is endlessly generous, giving abundantly without expecting anything in return. He encompasses everything that provides benefit, whether lawful or unlawful.
17 الرَّزَّاقُ Ar-Razzaq The Total Provider The Sustainer, the Provider.
18 الْفَتَّاحُ Al-Fattah The Supreme Solver The Opener, the Reliever, the Judge—He who resolves both worldly and spiritual matters for His servants.
19 اَلْعَلِيْمُ Al-Alim The All-Knowing One The All-Knowing; the One from whom nothing is unknown.
20 الْقَابِضُ Al-Qaabid The Restricting One The Constrictor, the Withholder, the One who, by His wisdom, limits sustenance, yet expands and provides abundantly through His generosity and mercy.
21 الْبَاسِطُ Al-Baasit The Extender The Enlarger, the One who, by His wisdom, restricts sustenance and, through His generosity and mercy, provides abundance and expansion.
22 الْخَافِضُ Al-Khaafid The Reducer The Abaser, the One who lowers whom He wills through His judgment and elevates whom He wills through His blessings.
23 الرَّافِعُ Ar-Rafi The Elevating One The Exalter, the Elevator, the One who lowers whom He wills through His judgment and raises whom He wills through His blessings.
24 الْمُعِزُّ Al-Mu’izz The Honourer-Bestower He grants honor to whom He wills, with no one able to diminish His status; and He humbles whom He wills, with no one able to elevate His position.
25 المُذِلُّ Al-Muzil The Abaser The Dishonorer, the Humiliator, who honors whom He wills, with no one able to diminish His status; and who humiliates whom He wills, with no one able to bestow honor upon Him.
26 السَّمِيعُ As-Sami’ The All-Hearer The Hearer, the One who perceives all sounds through His Eternal Hearing, without the need for an ear, instrument, or organ.
27 الْبَصِيرُ Al-Baseer The All-Seeing The All-Noticing, the One who observes everything through His Eternal Vision, without the need for a pupil or any other instrument.
28 الْحَكَمُ Al-Hakam The Impartial Judge The Judge, the Ruler whose decree is embodied in His Word.
29 الْعَدْلُ Al-Adl The Embodiment of Justice The Just, the One who has the rightful authority to act as He does.
30 اللَّطِيفُ Al-Lateef The Knower of Subtleties The Subtle One, the Gracious, the One who shows kindness and bestows blessings upon His servants.
31 الْخَبِيرُ Al-Khabeer The All-Aware One The One who understands the true nature of all things.
32 الْحَلِيمُ Al-Haleem The Clement One The Forbearing, the One who postpones punishment for those who deserve it, allowing the possibility of forgiveness.
33 الْعَظِيمُ Al-Azeem The Magnificent One The Great One, the Mighty, deserving of attributes of Exaltation, Glory, Praise, and Purity from all imperfection.
34 الْغَفُورُ Al-Ghafoor The Great Forgiver The All-Forgiving, the Forgiver, the One who pardons abundantly.
35 الشَّكُورُ Ash-Shakoor The Acknowledging One The Grateful, the Appreciative, the One who bestows abundant rewards for even a small act of obedience.
36 الْعَلِيُّ Al-Aliyy The Sublime One The Most High, the One who is free from the attributes of His creations.
37 الْكَبِيرُ Al-Kabeer The Great One The Most Great, the Great, the One who surpasses everything in grandeur.
38 الْحَفِيظُ Al-Hafiz The Guarding One The Preserver, the Protector, the One who safeguards whatever and whoever He chooses to protect.
39 المُقيِت Al-Muqeet The Sustaining One The Maintainer, the Guardian, the Provider, the One with the Power.
40 الْحسِيبُ Al-Haseeb The Reckoning One The Reckoner, the One who ensures justice and fulfillment.
41 الْجَلِيلُ Al-Jaleel The Majestic One The Sublime One, the Beneficent, the One endowed with supreme power and exalted status.
42 الْكَرِيمُ Al-Kareem The Bountiful One The Generous One, the Gracious, the One endowed with immense power and exalted status.
43 الرَّقِيبُ Ar-Raqeeb The Watchful One The Watcher, the One from whom nothing is hidden. This attribute reflects His all-encompassing knowledge.
44 الْمُجِيبُ Al-Mujeeb The Responding One The Responsive, the Hearer, the One who answers those in need when they ask and delivers those who call upon Him.
45 الْوَاسِعُ Al-Waasi’ The All-Pervading One The Vast, the All-Encompassing, the Knowledgeable.
46 الْحَكِيمُ Al-Hakeem The Wise One The Wise, the Supreme Judge, the One whose actions are always just and correct.
47 الْوَدُودُ Al-Wadud The Loving One The One who loves His believing servants, and whom His believing servants love in return. His love for them manifests as His will to show them mercy and bestow praise upon them.
48 الْمَجِيدُ Al-Majeed The Glorious One The Most Glorious One, endowed with perfect power, exalted status, compassion, generosity, and kindness.
49 الْبَاعِثُ Al-Ba’ith The Infuser of New Life The Resurrector, the Raiser (from death), the One who revives His servants after death for the purpose of reward or punishment.
50 الشَّهِيدُ Ash-Shaheed The All Observing Witness The Witness, the One from whom nothing is hidden.
51 الْحَقُّ Al-Haqq The Embodiment of Truth The Truth, the True, the One who exists in reality.
52 الْوَكِيلُ Al-Wakeel The Universal Trustee The Trustee, the One who provides assurance and upon whom reliance is placed.
53 الْقَوِيُّ Al-Qawwiyy The Strong One The Most Strong, the Strong, the One with absolute power.
54 الْمَتِينُ Al-Mateen The Firm One The One with immense, uninterrupted power who never grows weary.
55 الْوَلِيُّ Al-Waliyy The Protecting Associate The Protecting Friend, the Supporter.
56 الْحَمِيدُ Al-Hameed The Sole-Laudable One The Praiseworthy, the One who is deserving of praise.
57 الْمُحْصِي Al-Muhsee The All-Enumerating One The Counter, the Reckoner, the One who knows the count of all things.
58 الْمُبْدِئُ Al-Mubdi The Originator The One who originated human beings, that is, He created them.
59 الْمُعِيدُ Al-Mueed The Restorer The Reproducer, the One who brings creatures back to life after death.
60 الْمُحْيِي Al-Muhyi The Maintainer of life The Restorer, the Giver of Life, the One who created a living human from lifeless semen. He revives worn-out bodies by returning their souls on the Day of Resurrection and enlivens hearts with the light of knowledge.
61 اَلْمُمِيتُ Al-Mumeet The Inflictor of Death The Creator of Death, the Destroyer, the One who turns the living into the dead.
62 الْحَيُّ Al-Hayyu The Eternally Living One The Alive, the One whose life is distinct from our own, not based on a combination of soul, flesh, or blood.
63 الْقَيُّومُ Al-Qayyoom The Self-Subsisting One The One who endures forever and never ceases.
64 الْوَاجِدُ Al-Waajid The Pointing One The Perceiver, the Finder, the Rich who is never in need. Al-Wajd signifies richness.
65 الْمَاجِدُ Al-Maajid The All-Noble One The Glorious, the One who is supremely exalted.
66 الْواحِدُ Al-Waahid The Only One The Unique, the One, the One without a partner.
67 اَلاَحَدُ Al-Ahad The Sole One The One who is unparalleled and singular, with no equal or partner.
68 الصَّمَدُ As-Samad The Supreme Provider The Eternal, the Self-Sufficient, the Master who is depended upon for all matters and to whom all needs are referred.
69 الْقَادِرُ Al-Qaadir The Omnipotent One The Able, the Capable, the One who possesses complete and unmatched Power.
70 الْمُقْتَدِرُ Al-Muqtadir The All Authoritative One The Powerful, the Dominant, the One with absolute and flawless Power, from whom nothing is withheld.
71 الْمُقَدِّمُ Al-Muqaddim The Expediting One The Expediter, the Promoter, the One who arranges everything in its rightful place. He advances what He wills and delays what He chooses.
72 الْمُؤَخِّرُ Al-Mu’akhkhir The Procrastinator The Delayer, the Retarder, the One who arranges everything in its proper order. He brings forward what He desires and postpones what He chooses.
73 الأوَّلُ Al-Awwal The Very First The First, the One whose existence is eternal and has no point of origin. He is beyond the bounds of time, existing without a beginning or end.
74 الآخِرُ Al-Akhir The Infinite Last One The Last, the One whose existence is infinite and has no end. He transcends all limitations of time, existing perpetually beyond the confines of the temporal world.
75 الظَّاهِرُ Az-Zaahir The Perceptible The Manifest, the One above whom nothing exists and beneath whom nothing lies, thus He is without a defined place. He, the Exalted, has an existence that is evident through undeniable proofs, free from the misconceptions associated with physical attributes.
76 الْبَاطِنُ Al-Baatin The Imperceptible The Hidden, the One above whom nothing exists and beneath whom nothing lies, thus He is without a defined place. He, the Exalted, possesses an existence that is evident through undeniable proofs, and He is free from the illusions associated with physical attributes.
77 الْوَالِي Al-Waali The Holder of Supreme Authority The Governor, the One who possesses all things and oversees their affairs with wisdom and authority. He is the ultimate manager, directing and sustaining creation according to His divine will and purpose.
78 الْمُتَعَالِي Al-Muta’aali The Extremely Exalted One The Most Exalted, the High Exalted, the One who is completely free from the attributes of creation. He stands apart from all that exists, transcending the limitations and qualities of the created world.
79 الْبَرُّ Al-Barr The Fountain-Head of Truth The Source of All Goodness, the Righteous, the One who shows kindness to His creatures, providing them with sustenance and granting support, protection, and special mercy to whomever He wills among them.
80 التَّوَابُ At-Tawwaab The Ever-Acceptor of Repentance The Relenting, the One who bestows the gift of repentance upon whomever He chooses among His creatures and graciously accepts their repentance.
81 الْمُنْتَقِمُ Al-Muntaqim The Retaliator The Avenger, the One who triumphs over His enemies and brings punishment for their sins, signifying the One who may ultimately bring their destruction.
82 العَفُوُّ Al-Afuwwu The Supreme Pardoner The Forgiver, the One whose capacity for forgiveness is vast and boundless. He pardons generously, encompassing all who seek His mercy with an infinite and comprehensive absolution.
83 الرَّؤُوفُ Ar-Ra’oof The Benign One The Compassionate, the One endowed with boundless Mercy. Allah’s Mercy is His will to bestow grace and favor upon whomever He chooses among His creatures.
84 مَالِكُ الْمُلْكِ Maalik-ul-Mulk The Eternal Possessor of Sovereignty The Sovereign Controller, the One who holds supreme authority over all dominions and grants power and rulership to whomever He wills. He directs and allocates dominion according to His divine wisdom and will.
85 ذُوالْجَلاَلِ وَالإكْرَامِ Zul-Jalaali-wal-Ikram The Possessor of Majesty and Honour The Lord of Majesty and Bounty, the One who is supremely deserving of exaltation and reverence, never to be denied. His grandeur commands respect, and His generosity bestows endless blessings.
86 الْمُقْسِطُ Al-Muqsit The Just One The Equitable, the One who administers perfect justice in all His judgments.
87 الْجَامِعُ Al-Jaami’u The Assembler of Scattered Creations The Gatherer, the One who will bring together all creatures on the Day of Judgment, a day about which there is no doubt.
88 الْغَنِيُّ Al-Ghaniyyu The Self-Sufficient One The Self-Sufficient One, who is completely independent and free from any need for His creation. His existence and sovereignty are absolute, relying on nothing outside of Himself.
89 الْمُغْنِي Al-Mughniyyu The Bestower of Sufficiency The Enricher, the One who fulfills the needs and provides abundantly for His creatures.
90 اَلْمَانِعُ Al-Maani’oo The Preventer The Withholder, the One who restrains and limits provision or mercy according to His wisdom. He decides what to withhold and when, ensuring balance and order in His creation.
91 الضَّارَّ Ad-Daarr The Distressor The One who decrees harm to reach whomever He wills and bestows benefit upon whomever He wills.
92 النَّافِعُ An-Naafi’oo The Bestower of Benefits The Propitious, the One who determines harm for whomever He wills and grants benefit to whomever He chooses.
93 النُّورُ An-Noor The Prime Light The Light, the One who illuminates the path for His creation, providing guidance and clarity. He dispels darkness and confusion, leading those who seek His direction towards truth and understanding.
94 الْهَادِي Al-Haadi The Provider of Guidance The Guide, the One through whose guidance His believers find their way, leading all living beings towards what is beneficial for them and shielding them from harm.
95 الْبَدِيعُ Al-Badi’oo The Unique One The Incomparable, the One who created and shaped the universe without any prior example, bringing forth all that exists from His unique will and design.
96 اَلْبَاقِي Al-Baaqi The Ever Surviving One The Everlasting, the One for whom the state of non-existence is impossible, existing eternally without beginning or end.
97 الْوَارِثُ Al-Waaris The Eternal Inheritor The Heir, the One whose existence endures forever, remaining constant through all time and beyond.
98 الرَّشِيدُ Ar-Rasheed The Guide to Path of Rectitude The Guide to the Right Path, the One who directs and leads others towards truth and righteousness.
99 الصَّبُورُ As-Saboor The Extensively Enduring One The Patient, the One who does not hastily punish sinners, allowing them time to repent and seek forgiveness.

Allah says in the Quran:

  • And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them.. (Quran 7:180)
  • Allah – there is no deity except Him. To Him belong the best names. (Quran 20:8)
  • He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor, the Fashioner; to Him belong the best names. (Quran 59:24)

Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said:

  • Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said, “Allah has ninety-nine names, i.e. one-hundred minus one, and whoever knows them will go to Paradise.(Sahih Bukhari 54:23)
  • Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: There are ninety-nine names of Allah; he who commits them to memory would get into Paradise. Verily, Allah is Odd (He is one, and it is an odd number) and He loves odd number..(Sahih Muslim Book-48 Hadith-5)

Understanding Allah’s names is not just an intellectual exercise; it is essential for cultivating love, fear, and trust in Him. How can we fully worship and connect with our Lord, The Almighty, if we don’t truly know Him? Embracing these attributes enriches our spiritual journey and guides us in living a life aligned with His teachings.